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Writer's pictureHarshit Gohil

Why waking up early makes complete sense?

I’m often asked what do you even do waking up at 5 in the morning. This post should reasonably answer this personal FAQ.

Until recently, being an early riser was never an option for me. I had to do it to make it to my classes, specially during 3 years of college where one has to be seated in class by 6.10 AM to claim attendance.

But now, having experienced its benefits, I make a conscious effort to be up by 5 AM. At times, I even switch off the alarm before it goes off - I'm so used to it! Here's why you should wake up early:

  • 60% Indians wake up after 7.53 AM. Bluntly putting - you have at least a 3-hour advantage over them. One can argue that they must be sleeping late so effectively they have equal number of productive hours. Not true. Our body is conditioned to perceive light and darkness in a particular way. Darkness signals the brain to wind down by secreting melatonin. The body is attuned to becoming sluggish both mentally and physically. So if you are burning the so-called midnight oil, you are exerting too much. Work smart, not hard.

  • Get the time to plan the day. Invest 30 minutes in the morning to jot down the tasks for the day and schedule each task. If required, drop a message to people with whom you have scheduled meetings. None of this will be possible if you wake up late. In fact, it will be such a chaotic start to the the day that meetings will overlap and unfinished tasks will pile up.

  • Zero distractions while exercising or practicing yoga. Evening recreational activities are often disturbed by constant calls and messages. Early morning is probably the only me-time you can get in the entire day. Do not let anyone eat it away.

  • When many wake up, you will probably be done with your daily chores and a healthy, wholesome breakfast. In fact, an 8 AM breakfast helps to add an extra meal before lunch which can be in the form of fruits, juices or protein salads.

  • Stay updated. Get that 30 minutes to know what’s happening around the world. Watch the news, read blogs, check social media (specially if you think you missed out on a lot the night before) :P

  • According to Ayurveda, our body replicates nature. There is a reason the Sun rises when it does, without fail. And 'surya namaskar' literally means sun salutation. Not waking up with the Sun imbalances our Doshas and affects our physiological, mental and emotional well-being. You don't want that to happen right at the start of the day!

  • An important part of waking up early is to sleep early as well. Sleeping by 9-9.30 PM has a major benefit. You will not be glued to social media or OTT at the time of winding down so the blue rays from the phones will not interfere with our circadian rhythm.

  • If you are a nature lover, you don't really have to go to a hill station to enjoy the beauty. There is a remarkable poise early in the morning and you do not want to miss out on that.

From personal experience, I can vouch that early rising will significantly improve your productivity. You will rarely have a backlog of tasks and have a great feeling of accomplishment.

If you are habituated to an unhealthy sleep cycle, do not plan on setting major goals. Take one day at a time. More importantly, get your brain to understand the benefits. I have come across many people who make sleeping early sound un-cool. I have even got, "Waking up early? It's a crime." They sight reasons like there's nothing to do that early, the body needs at least 8 hours sleep, you are not enjoying life, there is too much stress in life, etc.

Dreams are those that don't let you sleep at night? Well try waking up early and fulfil your dreams. This is the best gift you can give to your body.

Remember, it's never too late. See you at 5! :)

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